Contact the Cell EXPLORERS CIT team and arrange a school visit | fiona.ohalloran@mtu.ie
The Cell EXPLORERS Munster Technological University (MTU) Cork team brings the Fantastic DNA School Roadshow to primary schools around Cork.
Visits can take place during Spring 2023 and later on this autumn around the time of National Science Week in November 2023.
The Cell EXPLORERS Munster Technological University (MTU) Cork team (formerly known as Cork IT) was established in May 2019. The team is based in the department of Biological Sciences at MTU Cork, it was developed through collaboration with Dr Fiona O'Halloran and Dr Maire Begley. You can learn more about the department of Biological Sciences here.
The team brought the Fantastic DNA School Roadshow to primary schools around Cork starting in September 2019 and visited more schools around Science Week 2019. Learn more about the past school vists and the evaluation feedback they have recieved on the school visits section.
The Team
The Cell EXPLORERS MTU Cork Team is made up of enthusiastic undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff from the department of Biological Sciences in MTU Cork. The team is coordinated by Dr Fiona O'Halloran and Dr Maire Begley from the department of Biological Sciences. Their team, pictured below, have a passion for communicating their love of science to young children and are excited by the opportunity to interact with primary schools around Cork.

Training School visit by the CE MTU Cork team in 2019
New volunteers joining the CE MTU team in 2022

Dr. Fiona O'Halloran
Biological Sciences
MTU Cork
Fiona is a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Biological Sciences, MTU Cork. She graduated from University College Cork with a BSc (Hons) degree in Biomedical Science and completed her PhD in the Cork Institute of Technology. She worked as a scientific researcher in the Teagasc Food Research Centre, Cork (2003-2011) on a range of projects that primarily focused on food-derived bioactives and how they impact human and animal health. Fiona joined the lecturing staff in CIT in 2012 and her teaching primarily focuses on biochemistry and bioanalytical techniques. She is involved in the development and validation of the Nutrition and Health Science programme and is a Principle Investigator in the Nutri Research group. She is also a member of the Biomedical Science board of studies, which oversees the operation and management of the joint CIT/UCC Biomedical Science programme. Her research interests are primarily focused on food and health and understanding how food bioactives can influence human health. She is also involved in projects that focus on alternative antimicrobial strategies, particularly for pathogenic streptococci. The MTU Cork Cell EXPLORERS team are excited to be involved in this scientific outreach initiative, and keen to promote science in our schools and communities through Cell EXPLORERS activities.

Dr. Maire Begley
Biological Sciences
MTU Cork
Maire is a Lecturer and researcher in the School of Biological Sciences at MTU Cork. She graduated from University College Cork with a BSc and PhD inMicrobiology. She continued her research in UCC in the Department of Microbiology, the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre and as a Senior Scientist with Food for Health Ireland. Her research interests mainly includes microbial stress resistance, host-pathogen interactions, bioactive peptides and food safety.
School Visits
The first CIT Cell EXPLORERS school visit took place in May 2019 in Belgooly as a training visit with the coordinators from the University of Galway team. The team visited further 3 more schools in Cork city, Coachford, and Belgooly, altogether including 7 classes during May and Science Week 2019.
The CIT Team is now known as the MTU Cork team, due a merger between Cork IT and Tralee IT in 2021.
In 2022, the team delivered 10 boxes to 4 schools, reaching 250 children. If you would like Cell EXPLORERS MTU Cork team to visit your school contact the team by email.
Read what pupils and teachers have to say about MTU Corks' Fantastic DNA in a Box visits by reading these visual infographics for 2021 and 2022.

Map of school visits by the Cell EXPLORERS MTU Cork Team in 2022
MTU Cork Photo Gallery