Cell EXPLORERS University College Cork

Contact the Cell EXPLORERS University College Cork team and arrange a school visit | k.dean@ucc.ie
The Cell EXPLORERS UCC team brings the Fantastic DNA School Roadshow to primary schools around Cork. Visits can take place during Spring 2023 and later on this autumn around the time of National Science Week in November 2023.
The Cell EXPLORERS University College Cork (UCC) team was established in May 2017. The team is based in the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of UCC and was developed through collaboration with Dr. Kellie Dean and Dr. Eoin Fleming. You can learn more about the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at UCC here.
The team have brought the 2019 Fantastic DNA School Roadshow to primary schools around Cork in September and ran more school visits around Science Week 2019. The team will continue to visit more schools in 2023. Learn more about the past school visits of the team and the evaluation feedback they have received from schools in the infographic section.
The Team
Dr. Kellie Dean and Dr. Eoin Fleming are the coordinators of the team in collaboration with other members of the School of Biochemistry at UCC. Kellie and Eoin both have strong backgrounds in teaching and interests in community engagement outside of the university, with previous experience in informal science abroad and in Ireland.
They have created a very diverse team of volunteers, from undergraduate students and postgraduates to postdoctoral fellows and staff. Together, the team of volunteers will be engaging and inspiring primary school children around Cork, teaching them about DNA and helping them perform DNA extractions in their own classrooms!

UCC team 2022
UCC team 2017

Dr. Kellie Dean
Director of MSc in Molecular Cell Biology with Bioinnovation
Director MRes Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Kellie has a PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics, from the University of North Carolina. After post-doctoral training in Heidelberg and at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Duke University, she joined UCC.
Kellie’s research interests include translational regulation, non-coding RNAs and RNA-binding protein biochemistry, with a particular focus in investigating the mRNA targets and biological influence of the RNA-binding protein, Smaug, and non-coding RNA/protein complexes in human cells.
Kellie really enjoys doing outreach and was a volunteer at the butterfly house at the North Carolina Science Museum. She has previous experience in bringing molecular biology to school children and looks forward to continuing this with Cell EXPLORERS!

Dr. Eoin Fleming
Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Eoin's research interests are focussed on the expression, function and degradation of ER associated proteins, in particular, the histidine decarboxylase (HDC) enzyme that catalyzes the formation of histamine, and HFE, which is involved in regulating cellular iron metabolism. Treatment of histamine related diseases can conservatively be estimated to cost Irish patients many millions of euros every year, while the most common inherited disease in Ireland, hereditary haemochromatosis, is associated with mutations in the HFE gene. Eoin is particularly interested in characterizing the manner in which these two proteins are degraded with the aim of providing new insights into how they are regulated physiologically, or how they could potentially be regulated pharmacologically.
School Visits
The first UCC Cell EXPLORERS school visit took place in May 2017 as a training visit with the coordinators from the University of Galway team. The team visited 5th and 6th class of Glansheen Boys NS in Cork City. The team has since visited a further 4 schools in 2017 and 2018, including two secondary schools.
In 2019, the team visited 7 schools including 15 classes, engaging 418 children with Fantastic DNA.
In 2022, the team participated in 2 science festivals (Cork Carnival of Science and Cork Science Festival), engaging 260 members of the public in hands-on science.

School visits by the Cell EXPLORERS UCC team in 2019
Check the team impact and the feedback from schools!

All children and teachers visited have a chance to provide us with feedback on the visit. This helps us to evaluate the quality and impact of our visits!
A summary infographic is generated for each team every year. It shows the metrics of the team activity, highlighting children's and teacher's experience by summarising their feedback and includes pictures from school visits.
Click on the links to discover the UCC team visits over the past years.
School Visit Gallery

Mashing the banana

Mashing the banana

Mashing the banana