Want to know what it is like to volunteer with Cell EXPLORERS?!
Our team is made up of over 100 wonderful volunteers who give their time to share the wonders of science with children. You can find out...

SIF Discover Fund Cell EXPLORERS National Expansion!
New month, new start! Last week, at the end of January, was the official announcement of all the projects nationwide that will be funded...

Come visit us at the BTYSTE
Cell EXPLORERS are delighted to be representing NUI Galway College of Science at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Come...

Happy Christmas to one and all!
Its that time of year, chestnuts roasting in an open fire, our volunteers all sitting their exams... We want to wish all our Cell...

School visits a-plenty this science week with Cell EXPLORERS
Its another busy week here (when is it not!) at Cell EXPLORERS headquaters in the Biochemistry Department of NUI Galway. Monday saw...

ReelLife Science winners announced!!
The winners are announced! After careful watching, re-watching, shortlisting and judging of more than 250 videos from all around the...

Its National Science Week!
Happy National Science Week to you all! Events are happening all around the country from the 9th to the 16th of November to celebrate the...

Public vote prize of €250 for ReelLife Science video. Vote Now!
Check out the 5 super videos which are eligible to win a €250 prize donated by Medical Supply Company and vote on your favourite! These...

Entries to ReelLife Science top 100!!
Today saw the 100th ReelLife Science video competition entry arrive to ReelLife HQ! With only one day left to enter make sure you get...

Fantastic DNA school visit to Scoil Ide, Salthill
Last week Cell EXPLORERS visited Scoil Ide in Salthill to do our Fantastic DNA session with 5th & 6th class pupils there. Rosie, Aisling,...