Be a scientist for a day!
Cell EXPLORERS is teaming up with Eco EXPLORERS and Kitchen Chemistry to run a Science Discovery Day on the 30th October in NUI Galway....

Fantastic DNA school visits begin!
Today saw the first Fantastic DNA school visit of the year! Angela, Cliodhna, Laura, JD and Claire visited 5th & 6th class in Scoil...

Cell EXPLORERS CPD workshop announced!
Cell EXPLORERS, in conjunction with the Galway Education Centre, is delighted to announce their continuous professional development...

New Semester Excitement!!
As the university fills up again with the first year students starting this week the Cell EXPLORERS team is looking forward with much...

ReelLife Science Video Competition begins!
Following on from its successful pilot in Galway last year, the ReelLife Science Video competition has been launched Nationally this...

Bio-EXPLORERS summer camp July 2014 - Registration now open!
Building on the great success of the Easter Science Camp, the NUI Galway School of Natural Sciences is now taking bookings for three...

Winner of School of Natural Sciences Next Top Model Workshop 2013 visits Uri Frank's lab
Ella-Rose was the winner of The SNS Next Top Model workshop competition held last November during the Galway Science and Technology...

Cell EXPLORERS goes international!
“This is the best school outing ever!” exclaimed one of the Maltese school children clutching her tube of banana DNA at the end of a Cell...
Amazing Cells!
Video about cells and studying cells in NUI Galway made by Cell EXPLORERS final year Biochemistry student Eunan McBrearty.