Getting ready for science week!!!
As the days are approaching and the excitement is piling the Cell EXPLORERS team is getting ready for their biggest presence ever during...
Meet our NUIGalway Team leaders!
Fantastic DNA visits are lead by our coordinators or, in some of our teams, postgraduate or postdoctoral researchers, and sometimes very...
Researchers: share your passion for science!
It is that time of the year again when new students join postgraduate courses or PhD programmes to continue their training to become the...
Cell EXPLORERS NUI Galway volunteer meet & greet!
Join Claudia and our team members on Thursday 14th of September to learn about our programme, chat with existing volunteers and have...
The Cell EXPLORERS research team go to ESERA17!
The European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) conference is taking place in Dublin City University this year and our NUI...
Cell EXPLORERS is becoming a Gaisce National Challenge Partner!
Cell EXPLORERS is becoming a National Challenge Partner to Gaisce – the president’s award ( Read all about Gaisce - the...
The Cell EXPLORERS badges 2016-17 are out
This year, we have attributed 167 demonstrator, 24 leader, 22 creator & 11 communicator digital badges to our team members based in 5...
New video by Sara and Aidan - Why you should join the Cell EXPLORERS team!
As part of a community engagement project, Sara and Aidan, two wonderful Erasmus Europe engage students have worked on a video for our...
Engaging Children in Science Education - Join the discussion!
We are organizing a day of presentations and discussion to innovative methods of engaging children in science education in association...
Welcome to Claudia, Cell EXPLORERS National Coordinator and education researcher
We are delighted to welcome Dr Claudia Fracchiolla to the Cell EXPLORERS team! Claudia, native from Venezuela, is a physicist who...