The story of our orange and purple Logo
Our beautiful bright purple and orange logo has been designed for us by Michelle Campion when she was a Master student at NUi Galway. In...

Young scientists enjoy experimenting on NUI Galway campus!
Doing experiments with liquid nitrogen, turning 2 cent coins gold and sliver, extracting DNA and learning all about exotic animals - our...

Hands on Science with Cell EXPLORERS & Kitchen Chemistry at NUI Galway Youth Academy
A team of 18 young scientists joined us for 3 saturdays of practicing experiments in the Biochemistry lab for the second term of NUI...

Fantastic DNA Workshop at the First NUI Galway MiniMed School
NUI Galway Minimed school is a four week course aimed at inspiring Transition, 5th or 6th year students into studying a healthcare...

Brilliant talks by Cell EXPLORERS team members at Famelab Galway
The International FameLab Science Communication competition has arrived in Galway this year! The Galway Regional Heat during which 10...

Clare brought a Fantastic DNA visit to her primary school in Renmore !
Clare, One of our volunteer team members, has been taking fantastic DNA to the primary school where she was a pupil few year ago, Scoil...

Scientist for a Day is back!
Cell EXPLORERS, Kitchen Chemistry and Eco-EXPLORERS are teaming up again to run another Scientist for a Day midterm workshop this...

NUI Galway stall at BT Young Scientist & Technologist Exhibition
Cell EXPLORERS represented NUI Galway Science at the BTYSTE again this year! The BTYSTE ran from the 7th-9th in the RDS in Dublin. 11...

The BT Young Scientist and Technologist Exhibition started yesterday with judging of the student projects at the RDS in Dublin. Today...

NUIG Mini Med School Jan/Feb 2016
Cell EXPLORERS are delighted to be a part of the first NUI Galway Mini Med School taking place in January & February 2016! Designed to...