New Cell EXPLORERS Athlone team!
This month we travelled to Athlone to set up a new Cell EXPLORERS team! The team has been established in collaboration with Professor Neil Rowan, director of the Bioscience Research Institute and will be coordinated by Dr. Alessia Stocca and Dr. Erin Jo Tiedeken. Following training the new team went on school visit to two 5th classes in Coosan National School. You can read more about the partnership between NUI Galway and AIT in the Athlone IT press release on their website here. Thanks to Alessia and Erin for their hard work and to all of the team that came to Coosan school - Evert, Emma, Andrew, Maya, Gavin, Alex and Conor are all postgraduate students or postdoctoral researchers in the Bioscience Research Institute that are volunteering their time to inspire the young children of Athlone. You can contact the Cell EXPLORERS Athlone team by emailing The team will be doing school visits around Athlone next Science Week in November 2015. Keep on eye on this website or like Cell EXPLORERS on Facebook to keep up to date with all the news for the next school year.