Launch of Galway Science and Technology Festival 2015
National Science week is celebrating it's 20th birthday this year with the theme of Science Week 2.0: Design Your Future. Science week runs from the 8th to the 15th November, with Galway Science and Technology Festival (GSTF) going that extra mile, running from 9th to 22nd November for a fortnight of different Science events across the county.
The GSTF launched it's exciting programme of events on Monday last, the 19th October, in Medtronic's Customer Innovation Centre. For details about school roadshows and workshops available, as well as details on the GSTF Exhibition day workshops taking place on the 22nd November in NUI Galway, keep an eye on Free tickets for the Exhibition day events will be available from Saturday, 14th November.
Cell EXPLORERS is already running its Fantastic DNA! roadshow for senior cycle primary school children and these visits will continue right up to the end of the festival. As well as this, Little Cells, our roadshow for the junior cycle of primary school that explains the concept of cells, will begin visits tomorrow and will run for the month of November.
On Exhibition day Cell EXPLORERS will run several workshops: Fantastic DNA! workshop, The School of Natural Sciences Next Top Model Organism workshop, Brain EXPLORERS workshop and a new Cell workshop combining Cell EXPLORERS and the Under the Microscope science outreach group from the discipline of Anatomy in NUI Galway. Make sure you keep an eye on this website, our Facebook page and so you can book your free ticket to the workshop you want when they become available!