Fantastic DNA Workshop at the First NUI Galway MiniMed School
NUI Galway Minimed school is a four week course aimed at inspiring Transition, 5th or 6th year students into studying a healthcare related degree at NUI Galway. Organised by Medical students from the NUI Galway Cancer Society in collaboration with Dr Muriel Grenon, our director, it took place on Wednesdays, the 27th of January, 3rd, 10th & 17th of February 2016 from 7pm to 9.30pm.
Running on the theme of oncology this year, Minimed hosted 150 scondary school students who attended mini lecture and practical sessions with a chance to ask questions to current NUI Galwat students.
Our team offered the Fantastic DNA session on the 3rd evening dedicated to research. It was a chance to highlight the importnace of studying DNA in cancer research as well as explained the opportunity that Cell EXPLORERS volunteers have of sharing their interest for science with thepublic while demonstrating. Our team was led by Anna, and was made of a mix of current team memebers - Nancy, Ivor, Tara, Aoife, Raissa, Fairuz, Claire, Jack and medical students Florence, Rita, Paridhi, AL-Ameen, Emeel, Reiltin, who joined on the night trained by either Nancy or Anna.
We shared the practical session with the suturing workshop proposed by NUI Galway Surgery society - a brilliant example of engaging and educational hands on activity.
We heard Minimed ended yesterday with a brilliant quiz created by Grace!