Engaging Children in Science Education - Join the discussion!
We are organizing a day of presentations and discussion to innovative methods of engaging children in science education in association with ProActivate Ireland, as part of the InEdu project.
When and where? Tuesday the 25thApril 2017 –10am to 4pm Institute of Life Course and Society–NUI Galway
Aim of the day: The seminar will focus on a number of key areas in science outreach and education including: encouraging critical thinking; experimentation and innovation; demonstrating different lines of scientific inquiry; incorporating technology into the classroom; bringing together arts, creativity and science; as well as promotion of social inclusion.
Educators engaging children in science, whether they are teachers or outreach providers, are invited to join the discussion and share their techniques and tips with a panel of like minded professional.
This event is a unique opportunity for participants to learn from one another, exchange best practice, forge potential partnerships, and meet locally based practitioners working in the area of science education or outreach. Importantly it is a chance to exchange with some of the most successful and innovative science outreach programmes in Europe (see below), all partners in the InEdu project.
Registration is free but mandatory for this event. To register through Eventbrite and see a detailed schedule of the day visit https://inedueventgalway.eventbrite.ie or contact ProActivate Ireland directly at info@proactivate.ie or 091 566759.
Several slots have been reserved for participants interested in presenting or demonstrating their science-based initiative, including activities that can be used in the classroom. Registration to present or exhibit your own science initiative can also be done through the Eventbrite page.
International participants: One of the European science outreach programmes which will present on the day is the Polish coordinating partner Children’s University Foundation, an award winning organisation that have been running original, advanced educational programmes based on children’s curiosity since 2007. Partner institutions featuring on the day will include: the Vienna University Children’s Office which specialises in overcoming stereotyped notions in science with a special focus on social inclusion and those groups who are underrepresented in formal and informal education; the University of Bedfordshire, Department of Teacher Education, which is in the top 20 UK Initial Teacher Training Establishments and has expertise in the primary sector in the delivery of mathematics, science, literacy, and using IT to enhance pupil learning; and ProActivate Ireland, a Galway-based non-profit NGO that participates in European projects in the field of education, unemployment activation, youth, and language learning. Local initiatives, including Cell EXPLORERS, Atlantaquaria, and Dr. How's Science Wows will also present their ideas during the day.
What will happen on the day? Find the detailed programme HERE and below!
The day will start at 10am with an introduction by the InEdu project coordinator as well as talks from representatives of the partner organisations. This session will feature a speed round of presentations, challenging both selected Irish participants and European partners to sum up their approach to science education in 5 minutes each. In the afternoon, a Show & Tell session will take place from 2pm – 4pm. All participants will have an opportunity to try several interactive science education approaches. The partner organisations as well as local initiatives have been invited to present. Several morning and afternoon slots have been reserved for participants interested in presenting or demonstrating their science-based initiative, including activities that can be used in the classroom.
Provisional Programme: click on the pictures below to zoom in the detailed programme.
About InEDU Project:
The InEdu Project aims to promote active learning based on observation, experimentation and the scientific method and develop teaching methods and tools to support primary school teachers prepare and conduct more fascinating lessons that will stimulate children’s natural curiosity. To achieve this, the project will invite teachers and science educators to exchange best practice so that they can develop their skills and will create innovative lesson kits based on the experience gained during the project. The project involves four partners, University of Bedfordshire, Children’s University Foundation, Vienna University Children’s Office, ProActivate Ireland and one associated partner, Cell EXPLORERS NUI Galway.