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Call for expressions of interest for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021

We are looking for a researcher who would be interested in applying to the newly launched call of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (HORIZON-MSCA-PF-2021), deadline 12th of October 2021, to join the "informal Science education" research team linked to the Cell Explorers programme at NUI Galway.

In order to secure the funding, the experienced researcher must develop a proposal with us for the October 12th 2021 deadline. Interested researcher should contact us before the 12th of July.

The proposed research will be related to the impact of scientist-led informal science interventions following the implementation of ‘Science Capital Teaching Approach’ (SCTA) in educational outreach activities.

Eligibility: Interested researcher can be of all nationalities, must have a doctoral degree at the date of the call deadline (12th October 2021), with a maximum of 8 years full-time research experience since doctorate, and must not have spent more than 12 months in Ireland for the last 36 months.

The ideal candidate will have both interest and experience in informal science education research and researching the impact of informal science education activities on young people and be experienced in both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

MSCA-PFs have a duration of 12 to 24 months and the expected person/month allowance is 5600 euro in total/month before taxation (tbc once call is published).

More information to be found:

Researchers interested in applying for a MSCA-PFs with us can contact Muriel directly for more information. They should send their research interest and CV at before 12th July 2021 (mention MSCA-PF interest in the subject of the email).



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